Workshop Topics |
Facilitator |
Description |
Building a Healing Community: Why Circles Work |
Clarence DeSchiffart |
Clarence led a discussion on the healing the Kairos Marathon Circles has had for offenders, ex-offenders and volunteers. He offered suggestions/guidelines on how churches or other organizations might use safe and supportive circles as part of their future ministry. |
Inside – Outside: Prison Lessons for Community |
Sheila MacCrimmon Carole Ells |
Stories from the circle inform volunteers on what works to help offenders successfully transition into communities. Sheila and Carole led an exploration on how we might do more of that! |
The Taylor Centre: Looking Ahead |
Joe Green |
Joe highlighted past work of the Taylor Centre for Spirituality and Pastoral Care, and their vision for future. People shared ideas for future collaborations and potential partnership with the centre. |
How much is Enough? Helping Volunteers Create Clear Boundaries |
Vicki & Eric Patton |
Vicki and Eric shared lessons learned when working with Rev. Dr. Charles Taylor and spoke of setting healthy boundaries for people volunteering with hurting people. |
Guest Preacher Sunday at Wolfville Baptist Church: Rev. Dr. Harry G. Gardner, Past President of Acadia Divinity College. | Divine Appointments” Luke 4: 14-21. | |