This celebration was built on the professional and spiritual legacy of the late Dr. Charles Taylor, an Order of Canada recipient, pioneer in Clinical Pastoral Education in Canada, and an internationally recognized leader in ministry to prisoners, their families, and their communities.

Workshop Topics



Building a Healing Community: Why Circles Work

Clarence DeSchiffart

Clarence led a discussion on the healing the Kairos Marathon Circles has had for offenders, ex-offenders and volunteers.  He offered suggestions/guidelines on how churches or other organizations might use safe and supportive circles as part of their future ministry.
Inside – Outside:  Prison Lessons for Community

Sheila MacCrimmon

Carole Ells

Stories from the circle inform volunteers on what works to help offenders successfully transition into communities.  Sheila and Carole led an exploration on how we might do more of that!
The Taylor Centre: Looking Ahead

Joe Green

Joe highlighted past work of the Taylor Centre for Spirituality and Pastoral Care, and their vision for future.  People shared ideas for future collaborations and potential partnership with the centre.
How much is Enough? Helping Volunteers Create Clear Boundaries

Vicki & Eric Patton

Vicki and Eric shared lessons learned when working with Rev. Dr. Charles Taylor and spoke of setting healthy boundaries for people volunteering with hurting people.
Guest Preacher Sunday at Wolfville Baptist Church: Rev. Dr. Harry G. Gardner, Past President of Acadia Divinity College. Divine Appointments”   Luke 4: 14-21.