Current Vision  for Kairos Marathons


  • People participating in the spiritual/therapeutic circle experience healing, personal and spiritual growth and a new vision for his or her life.
  • Supported by volunteers from the wider community, in order to create a space to experience love and forgiveness through the movement of God’s Spirit.


  1. To provide a ‘sacred space’; a place ‘set aside’ from the institutional setting for 2 days.
  2. Inmates and volunteers share their hurts and painful life experiences to help create a positive relationship between inmates and volunteers and God’s love for all.
  3. To address the Core Values of the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) Specifically, Core value 1 which emphasizes, “the dignity of individuals, the rights of all members of society and the potential for human growth and development”, and Core Value 3 that, “human relationships are the cornerstone of our endeavor.”

Kairos Marathon circles are offered voluntarily to prisoners as a non-institutional program in the chapel. Kairos Marathons are a place where volunteers and prisoners can meet to share concerns, support each other, and grow personally, emotionally and spiritually. Chairs placed in a circle allow each person to see others in the circle during interactions and a facilitator guides the discussions. Coffee, tea, juice and baked goods which have been brought in by the outside volunteers are on a side table for 2 days. The prison chaplains keep a waiting list of prisoners asking to attend.